Educational Success at the Ecole and Beyond

Mapping out the course of one’s post-secondary journey can be daunting. The Ecole brings support and guidance to our students, helping them to shape their own path towards success, with university counseling support starting as early as ninth grade.

University Advising

The Ecole d’Humanité university counseling program is designed to set students onto a trajectory towards success in post-secondary studies and beyond. Our robust and holistic university advising program guides students through the university application process, taking them on a journey from dream to university acceptance. We also assist with the minutiae of the university application process: collecting documents; filling out applications; and even helping to sort out small details like organizing transportation to their university!

We have a small team dedicated to university advising support for our students in the following areas:

  • Identifying interests, dreams, and goals for post-secondary education and career aspirations

  • Guidance in identifying a list of target post-secondary institutions

  • Support, reminders, and help through the application process

  • Advice and instruction in admissions essays; we teach students how to craft an essay, and offer feedback on their work

  • Help with gathering all the documents they need to complete their applications

  • Support in identifying opportunities for financial aid and completing the necessary applications

Our university counseling program aims to set our students on their own individual paths towards success. We help our students with big-picture thinking, inviting them to dream of the future and gain clarity on their career aspirations. Our university advisors are on hand to help with all aspects of the post-secondary application process.

Your Pathway to Success

Before students are even ready to begin dreaming about their careers beyond the Ecole, we help them to create their own individualized understanding of success. University advising starts with students in Grade 9. Our advisory team helps students with big-picture thinking, inviting them to imagine their future and gain clarity on their career aspirations. Life Planning courses guide students to ask big questions like, ‘What does it mean to be successful?’, and ‘What do I need to do to get there?’ Our team also supports students in planning for a Gap Year or applying to apprenticeships .

Our Students Dream Big.

Are you ready to start your own unique journey?